01-Jul-2009, Indovina Bank Ltd. is officially launching Custody service. At IVB, we commit that your securities and your investment capital will be managed safely and confidentially by a modern system and a professional team. Moreover, you can get professional advice, fast services and trustworthiness.


1. Manage securities account, indirect investment capital accounts, and investment capital accounts at IVB.

2. Settle payment for buy and sell orders on the Stock Exchange, which covers both securities and cash settlement.

3. Advise Customer on corporate actions and execute for listed securities on behalf of the Customer and in accordance with the Customer's instruction, except for taking action relating to attendance at meeting and voting.

4. Accept physical securities deposits and re-deposit these securities at Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD).

5. Release securities for physical withdrawals.

6. Offer loan against mortgage listed securities (depends on the Bank's policy at specific periods).

7. Provide cash advance against listed securities selling (depends on the Bank's policy at specific periods).

8. Respond Customer's queries within 24 hours on business day.

9. Provide weekly, monthly Portfolio Statement at the Bank's counters or via internet.

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