Indovina Bank Limited (IVB) would like to express our sincere thanks to all customers who have trusted and supported IVB card services during the past time.

In order to improve the quality of card services to customers who are using cards, IVB would like to inform about temporarily locking of domestic debit cards - Premium cards, which is in the following status:

- Premium card is in valid, but no transaction has occurred from the cardholder for more than 12 months since the date of the last transaction, and the cardholder does not use the card to link with Wallet, Ecom, Samsung pay....

- Premium card is in valid, issued over 90 days from the date of card issuance but the cardholder does not activate the card to use.

In plus, for the Premium card that is in status of temporary lock and comes to expiry date, but the cardholder does not contact the bank to unlock it, IVB will close the card.

For the best support from IVB, If you have any additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the nearest branches, transaction offices or 24/7 Customer Service via Hotline 1900 588 879.

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