Samsung Pay is a payment application developed by Samsung, which is intergrated on some models of Samsung mobile devices, allowing customers being both cardholders and users of Samsung mobile devices can perform payment for goods and services at the merchant without the use of physical card issued by banks.

  1. Customers
  • IVB’s domestic debit cardholder has registered to use Samsung Pay (SSP) service.


  1. Utilities

- Cardholders do not need to carry physical cards to make payment at merchants, just swipe up with Samsung mobile device having installed the Samsung Pay application.

- All the payments are secured, simple and convenient.

- Cardholder’s information and payment details are not encrypted and archived on the device and Samsung server.


  1. Limits and fees

The limit for cardholders to use SSP services is stipulated as the purchase limit and payment of goods.

ATM cards

Type of limits

Maximum number of transactions per day

Limit of one transaction

Limit of the day


50.000.000 VND

50.000.000 VND



Currently, IVB does not charge fee for this utility to encourage the use of this utility

  1. Devices are used to pay for goods through the Samsung pay app according to Samsung regulations.
  • Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro
  •  Samsung Galaxy A7 2016
  •  Samsung Galaxy A5 2016
  •  Samsung Galaxy A7 2016
  • Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
  • Samsung Galaxy A3 2017
  •  Samsung Galaxy A8 2017
  •  Samsung Galaxy A8+ 2017
  • Gear S3 Classic
  • Gear S3 Frontier
  •  Samsung Galaxy Note 8
  • Samsung Galaxy Note FE
  •  Samsung Galaxy Note5
  • Samsung Galaxy Note9
  • Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+
  •  Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+
  •  Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+
  •  Samsung Galaxy S7
  •  Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
  •  Samsung Galaxy S6 edge +

The list of Samsung Pay product lines and devices will be updated according to Samsung information.

  1. Guidance: Please click here for more details.

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